Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

News of impending... news

I have access to photos of a drink-fuellled gurning competition which will probably only amuse the people who were involved in it, but that won't stop me posting it. What IS stopping me posting it is that yet again I've lost my USB doofer for getting files off the phone and onto the PC. New one is on order and normal service will be resumed asap.

Hello odd Lauren. Please take your clogs off and make yourself comfortable.

In other news, the motorbike has one new tyre and I have 93 less pounds than I had last week. New motorbike tyres are wonderful things - the release agent seeps out of them for the first few miles so you basically carry around your own personal diesel spill. Highly dangerous, and many a young hot-head has come to grief yards from the tyre shop. Fortunately I fit into neither category. By the way, thanks Martin, for the use of your garage and your arms.

In other news, I've cycled to work today. 62 mins, average 25.7 kph. Thanks Odette for your seat-positioning advice. A couple of inches forward and my back never twinged once. Luxury. Mind you, I'm now so upright on the bike, I look like I'm going shopping. Ah well, the price of comfort.

Ah well, photos to follow soon.


1 comment:

  1. Geez and I thought I was just a pretty face ... glad my bike knowledge didnt let me down and you got to work in good order though. Maybe we need to fit a basket and a baguette, vive la France style ... tee hee. BTW, got myself some lunch from the Co-op and it was yummy. Got the chicken pasta, pudding, juice meal deal for $3.00. It was a definite winner ... hope you have a similar option.

    Not much excitement on the job front ... think I should apply for a job pumping train wheels ...;-)
