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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Derbyshire Open Arts

The bank holiday weekend went by in a flash. Notable events:

  • Cluedo and Pictionary at new mate Sharon's place
  • Buying art in New Nills
  • Bike ride to Chapel

Had a lovely time in Sharon's on Saturday, drinking eating and playing Cluedo, which I loved but isn't to everybody's taste, and Pictionary, which reminded me that a) I can't draw for toffee and b) my missus is brilliant at it. Lots of jolly japes, wizard weezes and general mathem. I won't go into detail but a cetain naff Europe-based pop music competition will never be the same again. It's a while since I saw someone nearly throw up from laughing, so thank you Martin.

Derbyshire Open Arts is a festival where artists all over Derbyshire who want to have their carpets ruined, play host to other artists who don't, and their houses remain open for the three days as temporary galleries. Lots of art gets bought and lots of tea/coffee/plonk gets drinked. Wifey has been known to take part, but this year she's so busy with Uni she hasn't really produced much showable stuff so didn't bother. However we toook some time out on Monday afternoon to visit two houses in New Mills. I loved one particular drawing of a street scene in New Mills so much that I had to buy it. No idea where I'll hang it, or the very nice but slightly erotic life-drawing by the same artist (Clare Allan -, but they are lovely items to own. I was just too late to get the original of the street scene (damned red spot) so had to settle for a print (3/50), but I got the original of the life drawing, ha!

That reminds me, I'm thinking of attending life-drawing classes. Watch this space for news and bad sketches.

Later that day, and no doubt buoyed by caffeine, I decided I'm tired of this bad back and I'm going to ignore the damned thing and take exercise anyway. I dusted off the trusty MTB and trundled round my usual route to Chapel, over to Hayfield and home. All road, no mud, about 20 km. My back hardly complained at all, and the old lungs and legs felt much better for it. I slept well ast night, that's for sure. Not sure I'm brave enough to pick up the squash racket just yet, I might give it another week or so. Swimming at lunch time is a good habit I've managed to get into, so overall the flab is being kept at bay.

There's a certain amount of local unrest about this building:

..which is being buit at the back of some shops in New Mills. I can't remember what it's for, but they have a lot of work to do if it's not going to be an eyesore in the town. Maybe some creative cladding. It's an area where planning permission rules are fairly stringent, so nobody can quite believe what's happening. There are dark mutterings of brown envelopes....

Here's a blurred picture of an artist at work...
It's a rare and elusive moment so I make no apologies. The fruits of this labour (and the suspected cause of my bad back - 11 extremely heavy doors) can be seen from June 24th to July 17th in Bolton town centre, and if you're at all artistically minded I recommentd a visit. There are three artists running the show, which is called "Farrago". Get along there, or miss something wonderful.

Still awaiting the arrival of my stuff from Bangkok. That means I'm still drumless and quite bereft. Reduced to practising on pillows, the shame of it.

Later taters.


  1. Nice post. Needs more Eurovision. I watched it with Germans. Imagine the celebrations! :-)

    A x

  2. I can hear them now - "but of course we won - why would we lose?"
    How with Germans? Who were they?
    Thanks for commenting btw. I was beginning to think my glory days were over.

  3. I have German friends. I know them through the girlfriend of a friend of a friend of a friend. That's the shortest explanation I can give! But I was in my no.1 German friend's house watching Eurovision and eating pizza.

    They were actually flabbergasted. Not least because none of us really liked the song, or the Bambi-legged sixth-form-er singing it.

    They were very keen to introduce me to Germany's rich pop music heritage via YouTube for HOURS after the show was over though. They should definitely stick to exporting beer and sausages.

    A x

  4. ...Yawn ... the only bits I watched of Eurovision was your man doing the commentary ... he was hilarious ...

    Mind you ... Ramstein ... now there is a group I often have the pleasure of listening to ... only cos they did the music in xXx (and I just luuuvvv the tattoed on - yes I forgot his name, but I never forget a body ;-) Anyway they have some hard rock and soft really soft stuff jambed in the middle ...
    Anyhow ... check it out ...

