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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Visit by Her Majesty

Missus Lyn is coming to see me on my birthday. Could not ask for a nicer present.

My current plans are to be offshore for all of April and May, with just a week off in the middle. That's eight weeks out of nine in prison, for my sins. Instead of me travelling back to blighty, she's going to have a week in the sun.

After the May trip the job should ease off a bit (supposed to be finished) so I'll organise a trip home then. Maybe I'll finally get to see Alex and, here's hoping, Jack.

In other news, it's 7am on Sunday and I'm off to work soon. Deadlines deadlines, you know how it is.

Still cogitating on the bike thing. Lyn has made it plain that she doesn't like the idea but in the name of practicality I might be defiant on this occasion.

I'm listening via the miracle of Skype to a hailstorm that's happening in New Mills as I type. Brrrr. It's really heating up here, dry season kicking in. It's around 35 every day. By the time I get home in June it should be up to 25 there, whoopee. Strangely when I come home I don't feel particularly cold, partly because I put loads of layers on in case. Always enjoy the cool air though. You never get that fresh feeling here unless you stand in front of an AC unit.

Been drumming quite a bit this week, but not yet up to a level where you'd want to listen. Improvement is slow without musicians to play along with, instruction by tutor etc. But it's good fun and more active than watching telly or blogging.

Speaking of telly, I bought a DVD player to watch films in bed (lazy bugger) for 990 baht, about 20 of you earth pounds. Got it home, plugged it in - black and white. Gutted, until after 15 minutes of searching through Thai menu systems I finally tried wiggling the wires. Hey presto, full colour. I watched Leatherheads with George Clooney and Renee Zelwegger. Quite good.

Speaking of films, I watched Terminator last week on telly, Classic. The effects at the end are so dated now, the cyborg scenes look little better than King Kong in the fifties. Great film though, the early scenes are the best - Arnie scanning for Sarah Connor in the Police car, eyebrows burned off from an earlier mishap. Reece blowing him through the bar window, onto the street.

Right, enough meandering, it's no more than procrastination - I have to go to work and do a bit before the office AC shuts off at three in the afternoon. Then back here to lie by the pool I think. Hard life eh?

Be good, wrap up warm. Brrr.


  1. bike -

    Ok - so you want to buy a motorbike, and use it in Bangkok? Obviously the concrete roads in Bangkok offer a great deal of traction, with potholes that would swallow an elephant (I detect sarcasm)....population of around 9 million people - most of it seems own a scooter - and non of whom have passed a motorcycle test. Absolutely no road rules at all. which obviously cuts down on conjestion and accidents...have you seen the roundabouts there? (yes definately a hint of sarcasm)...Driving the wrong down a motorway, balancing your whole family on board seems to be normal. Fortunately all of these drivers have full insurance and medical cover (yes maybe sarcasm here...)Yes - you should buy a bike - should be no problems - hope I've helped.....

  2. *sigh* Look, for all you people out there who think it would be so terrible if I got knocked off a motorbike, Just CHILL ok? Speeds will be sub-40 mph I promise. Any bumps and bruises will not be reported because you'd all shout "Told you so". Jeez, I have been on bikes for 35 years, most of them at least three times the capacity and horsepower of the one I'm considering here. Sandy I take your points, the roads are bad and the traffic is heavy. Disagree about road rules - that's just a perception. When in Rome, drive like the Romans.

    I still haven't decided by the way.
