Site Hits - Well done one and all

Monday, March 2, 2009

Motorcycle Taxi Ride

Part of my ride home every day, set to a favourite piece of music - You! Me! Dancing! by Los Campesinos. They're from Cardiff, obviously.
By the way you need sound to experience the finer points of my masterpiece (mantlepiece, more like), and preferably very loud.

Hope you enjoy my first attempt at creative film making. Comments on the back of a 1000 Baht note to my address, please.

I was struck today - not by lightning, which was entirely likely considering the violent storm I've just walked through - but by how reliable the transport systems are in this city. This only became obvious today, when for the first time since coming here in July, I was delayed. The doors of our train opened at Siam Station and didn't close again for ten whole minutes. We sat there being informed of why we weren't moving (technical problems on the line ahead, probably due to the already mentioned deluge) every two minutes or so, and nobody complained. There wasn't a tut, a raised eyebrow or even a shrug. Wonderful temperament these people. In England we'd have been writing to the Daily Mail before you could say "Cash in, someone's to blame". Anyway, by the time we got moving again the train was full of people who would have otherwise missed it, so there's a positive outcome.

I didn't get a chance to blog anything over the weekend, because I spent most of it at the office. The phrase that best describes the current atmosphere at work is "End Game" (thanks Peter). Everyone has their race-face on and we're all trying our best to finish the thing. My next platform trip is now delayed while we gather enough completed software to make it more cost effective to send me out there. That would be a bind, considering the financial benefits of being offshore, but even here there's a silver lining - I get to shop around for a motorbike, since i'll be commuting for a few more weeks. Right now I'm considering my options, and I'm sure wifey will have something to say on the matter, but watch this space for bike-related news.

Enough twaddle for now. Hope the video played ok.

Has anyone been to Mumbai?


  1. love it, have watched it over and over and stiil get excited waiting for the taxi!!


  2. I admire your work!
    Re: the end of the song, I have in fact been paddling in a fountain on the way home from a night out, and I fell in :-s
    A x

  3. Take it from me, the excitement of waiting for the taxi fades after ten or twenty thousand repetitions.

    End of the song - does he say paddling or getting married? Now that IS a good idea.

    Alex, your fountain-paddling esccapade must have been abroad, since as far as I remember there is no workling fountain in Liverpool or Crosby, and anyway you'd die of hypothermia. (Fatherly concern coming through there)

  4. It was outside St George's hall and I was too drunk to feel the cold. My blood was pure sambucca at that point. Luckily Hana had dry clothes with her so I swiftly changed out of my wet things and hypothermia was denied a victim!

    A x

  5. I love this video! Russell i always knew you were smart but this is very cool. It has done nothing for my credability at work though, as i laughed out lound like a crazy person in the middle of the office when yours and mums faces popped up in the middle.

    Emma x

  6. Glad you like it Em. Lyn said it finished before I got to my own door so needed to be changed a bit. I might do another one with different music. Got some ideas but it takes time - unblievably fiddly getting things to happen in the right place.
