Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hard at work

Well here I am in New Mills, working my arse off while her nibs is at Uni. My PC is running slowly due to all the extra software I've installed. The simplest instruction sends it on holiday for minutes at a time, consequently I'm left to amuse myself by taking photos of my feet in wifey's slippers. Ho hum..

1 comment:

  1. I have a pair of washing up gloves to match those slippers - why not make yourself useful???

    Other than that how is it all going and is Lyn having fun at Uni? I showed Tyrone's girlfriend (an art student) Lyn's web site and she thought it very cool and loved the new work Lyn is exploring. She is facinated by the Pastel of Abbey (girl in window) I didnt quite understand what she was trying to say but it really moved her - something about colour and light. Anyhoo I love the new work Lyn is doing with the pencil and the red bits something about layering and some famous artist. Abstracty things - so please let her know I am hugely impressed and well done - ask her to please put some work in action on the gallery - its different to see her explore new stuff. Very entertaining. So thats me - shattered these 12 hr days are killing me but Christmas is coming and we dont intend on having a poor one.

    Hugs to Lyn and the cats and a rub on your bald patch for you ... *meeooowwww*
