Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Plan B Planning Application

Title of this post says it all really. But I'll blather on anyway.

Today our people have sent in planning application details for Plan B - the timber framed house in which we hope to laugh out our dotage.

Opinions vary on how long this will take - from 21 days if the public consultation is all that's required, to infinity and beyond if there are any objections. We're as confident as we can be that we've given enough information in enough detail, having engaged a planning consultant to work alongside our architect this time. Also the external part is virtually the same as our (eventually) successful application for Plan A.

Thanks to Caroline at Emery Planning and, as ever, Jeremy at Poulter Architect for your help.

More when I get it.


  1. Good luck ! Hope it goes smoothly 👊

  2. Good luck and fingers crossed you don't have anymore difficulties xx

  3. Hopefully sooner rather than later🤞

  4. Hello lovely responders, you make me feel like someone is reading, which is really nice.

    Can you (if you don't mind) put your names in the comment? This blogger thing just records you as "Anonymous", annoyingly.

    Of course you can remain mysterious if you prefer :)

  5. Good to hear. So you have deferred your dotage then? ;)

  6. Good news, no objections coming from next door!!!

  7. All good wishes that this one is dealt with promptly and fairly xx

  8. Nice one Russell, fingers crossed etc. Brian further down Spring Bank

  9. Rooting for you! Christine & Jeff

  10. If the fools in the town hall object, we should tae and feather them 🤣 This project will do more for the town than they do

  11. So glad such lovely friends will be living where we'll be living out our dotage too. 😁🍷🍻Xx
