Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I just heard on 6Music (which irritatingly enough is playing that effing stupid Gorillaz single 6 times a day, but that's another story) that a bloke has been jailed for one year for "endangering a vehicle". Apparently he tried to stop a helicopter taking off after - wait for it - it blew litter onto his Landrover.

I laughed a lot when I heard this, because I consider excessive car-proudness to be one of the most annoying aspects of the UK's culture, hence the title of this post. This is an extreme case, but I've seen many examples of British people over-reacting to damage, or even potential damage, to their cars. In my humble opinion those people need to give themselves a jolly good talking to. Here ends today's rant.

On the plus side, I take delivery of my new bike on Thursday, and if anyone scratches it I'll personally murder them and their future generations for a thousand years.



  1. sorry - bike? What bike? Oh and watching the drums on the ship is going to get you annoyed when they ship gets into port and then they just sit there.

  2. Yes bike. See my earlier post, "Pigeon Power" for a picture. Purchase brought on by a deep feeling of impending doom, which manifested after noticing an expensive camchain rattle. Shhh, tell nobody...

    Yes indeed, the ship left Felixstowe days ago, presumably leaving my stuff on the quayside, and so far not a peep from mister Pickford. As you say, very annoying.

  3. That reminds me, I drove into a wall yesterday, I should really check the damage out.

  4. ER6 - I approve (good donor an all that) I saw a very tidy older ER6 restored at Mallory. Clean and uncluttered. I liked it.
