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Thursday, October 22, 2009


While I wait for wifey to find my short story - which by the way is probably going to disappoint everyone - I'll fill the pregnant pause with some thoughts.

I'm thinking that some charity work would be a good direction to go in, once I get off this gravy train and go back to blighty. Anyone else interested in some kind of sponsored event? A walk? A bike ride? I'm not volunteering to organise anything but there must be loads going on in the UK that you can join in with. Must look into it.

My new "Kindle" e-reader has now arrived at home, and Lyn has the moral dilemma of whether to bring it here next week or to make me wait for Christmas. No idea what she'll do. Amazon have now done deals with phone companies in 100 countries including the UK, so their "Whispernet" technology will work. That means if I'm in one of those countries I can download any book from their library onto my Kindle in 60 seconds, and all I pay for is the book, at less than stock price. Pretty cool in my opinion. It will hold 1500 books in memory as well. The network doesn't exist in Thailand but I can still use my Amazon account online and transfer to the Kindle via USB.

Rainy season still hasn't properly ended here yet, despite me announcing its demise several times. Rumour has it that the end of the month will be the last of it. I'm a bit tired of getting wet shoes on the way to work, and also I'll welcome the slightly cooler temperatures of the winter months (26-30 until next March). My electricity bills will fall as well. Meanwhile quite a few electrical storms have gone over during the last few nights and I've even had to close the curtains to get some sleep. Normally I like the soft light of the city but bright flashes are a bit distracting when I'm trying to have nice dreams.

Conversation with a Thai person:

Me: What's Thai for a hundred?
Thai: Loi
Me: How do you spell that?
Thai: R-O-I
Me: But that spells Roi
Thai: Yes that's it.
Me: But you said Loi
Thai: Yes
Me: That's L-O-I
Thai: No, R-O-I
Me: No, that's Roi
Thai: Yes that's it.
Me: But...

And on, and on, and on...

One of our main Thai engineers, Nin, is absent this week - he's being a monk. Seriously, young Thai people, whether optionally or mandatorily (bad word) sometimes go off to a Buddhist temple and take care not to kill anything for ten days or so. I wonder if he'll be a changed man when he returns? Maybe he'll do some wicked kung fu or something. Maybe I've seen to many movies. If he comes back with a shaved head and wearing orange robes it will be funny.

I haven't seen much in the way of devout Buddhism here - they all eat meat for a start. Mind you, they have a fairly pragmatic approach to most things, even the law. If the police are out stopping people for traffic offences, fair enough they catch a few. Next day, same bobby on a different duty, you can ride past him on a one-way street at 420kph with no hat on, sitting side-saddle with three 18-month-olds hanging onto the pillion seat and he'll give you a cheery wave. Bizarre. This goes right through all walks of life. If there's a way to do something, no matter what rule it breaks, why wouldn't you do it? We westerners stare aghast and splutter about "rules being rules", but it just confuses them. Culture shock. In our canteen area at work there's a dart board on the wall. Someone pointed out that the place where you would stand to throw the darts is not visible as you walk past the board. Potential dart-in-lug-hole disaster, so a notice was put on the board "Out of service", until such time as they find a more suitable location. Anyway a week later the board is still there, and the Thais regularly take down the notice, have a few games, and replace the notice when finished. Seems odd to us, and to safety-conscious type it would be scary, but you'd be met with blank stares and incomprehension if you complained about it.

Let's see now, what else can I blather on about? Ah, music. I've bought several new albums this week and I can tell you the following:

The album "Checkmate Savage" by a Scottish band called "The Phantom Band" is well worth a listen. "Thorwing Bones", the obvious single, is a proper classic driving track. Phantom band - Throwing Bones
Just as Scottish are the band "Money Can't Buy Music", who have an album called "The Universe for Beginners" which I'm currently listening to with some pleasure. I've never heard Keppler's laws in a song lyric before. Here's my fave track... MCBM - beautifulgirlssunnyledges (That's how it's written on the sleeve, honestly)
Um, what else? I just bought some French Gypsy music but I'll give that a good listen before recommending it here. Also an American folk singer called Alela Diane caught my ear this week, news on that to follow. I'm currently trying to work out how to assail you with different music each time you log in, but it's beyond me at present.

Be good.


  1. allo allo ... wots news? Hows tings? Have been working hard ... job is boring and Im driving my life away.

    No money ... no time ... tis rotten!!! Its the Dublin marathon this weekend and Ifty (my housemate) and I are supporting a friend around it. Tood boring to run it again (I mean Ive seen dublin on my feet 3 times - dont need to take that tour again). Thought I might try to get registered for Paris. The lung doc thinks my lungs are fit enough for a few hundred miles again.

    Nice to hear aabout your Kindle thingamy ... sounds like fun. Im reading a lot of french travel books. Trying to soften the culture shock ... like as if that worx.

    Anyhoo hang in there and give Lynny and hug from me ... bye xxx

  2. Wots news? You just read the news I'd hope. Like the "Allo Allo", tres Francaise. Have you learned the lingo yet? If you spend any time in France you'll quickly find out that they are warm and friendly as long as you try their language. If you just blurt out English they get a bit righteous.

    Are you training hard? I'll check out your lungs next time I see you.

    Hug for Lynny will be duly delivered in 6 days' time when she gets over here.

  3. Hi Russell -

    I don't see a moral dilema - you just don't get Crimbo gifts in October - tut tut.

    So - how long is Lynn staying for? I'm angling for a trip out soon....

  4. Personal dilemma then. If she leaves it at home I'll sulk.
    Lyn will be here from Thursday 29th till Sunday 8th, then I'm alone again till late December. I fly home on the 18th for Christmas/New year.
    You know you can come here any time so just book your flight and let me know.

  5. Je parle vous un petit peu francais, tres bon ... Qui?

    French friends of Jean-Yves and Ifty's will be spending a week here so I will be saying interesting things like ... une chambre avec salle de bain avec douche ... Vaus aves faire de tourisme? Qui ? Non?

    Vous aves rondener a la Wicklow Hills avec chien.

    Thats about the limit of my french but I think the spelling is really interesting ... I have a cd in the car and I repeat phrases all day ...

    I can tell them to sit their asses on les chaires avec le tableu and manger avec couvert. Now Im being too posh for my own good ... LOL!!!

    Maybe Lynny should bring your kindle with to tease you ... then take it home again and wrap it for christmas ... Cruel but funny ... xxx

    Take it easy now, I am going to marche le chien around le parc Phoenix.

    Je ne travailler un Vendredi and can spend the day doing silly things like ... writing bad FRENCH LETTERS ... LOL !!!

    Have a splendid weekend. Hugs as always ...

  6. You give good French, O. I'm impressed. Pay us a visit soon eh? Preferably while I'm at home.

  7. Thank you ... struggling with the french ... LOL!!! No news on the passport yet but have more wads of documents ... Like they say ... you cant do anything in france if you havent your grandmothers birth cert handy ...

    Hope to see you soon xxx
