Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, September 25, 2009

Settle down

I'm still here!

The job has settled down a bit - nobody fired this week. I have clear deadlines and a lot to do, and I've managed to get a week's holiday for when Lyn comes over in late October. We'll probably go back to Saigon, same hotel - loved it.

Since I've been riding the bike to work, I've been going between lanes of traffic fairly constantly - after all, that's the point. I get to work early, the air-conditioned-BMW-chelsea-tractor-radio-2-don't-you-scratch-my-pride-and-joy brigade can only watch as the hours tick by. However, occasionally whilst passing between juggernauts I've wondered what it would feel like to be run over. Well....early the other morning (too early it seems), I misjudged one particular gap between two cars and had to stop, since my left hand clouted one car's wing mirror hard enough to fold it back, and my right hand was fairly close to the other. I braked and put my feet down (I'd only been doing 5mph). Immediately the traffic started moving and I discovered that I'd put my right foot in the path of a tyre. Bump-bump and it was all over. I'd officially beed run over. I can report that it hurts not at all. Hardly a scuff on my new shoes. However I won't be repeating the experiment, having recalibrated my clearances somewhat.

(Bangkok people-carrier - you can see some gap-work happening in my rear view mirror)

Most of the local riders fold their own mirrors in to give them more room for manoeuver, but that just means you can't see behind you. Ah well.

Who want to see something gross? I was on the static bike at the gym the other day and I noticed some people looking at me strangely. It was only then that I realised my attempts to get through the 800-calorie barrier had elicited a little too much perspiration:

For those of you still reading, I can happily report that I burned 813 calories that visit - a feat I defy anyone to better, since I went home feeling that, rather than training, I'd actually competed in some ridiculous endurance event - which of course I had. I now restrict myself to 500 calories per visit. Gosh, I sound like an inverted diet-addict.

Better go. Be good.


  1. You cycled so much you wet yourself? Not a good look.

  2. Oi, when you coming over eh? I et so lonely here and they sell a good pint of Guinness down at the Black Swan..

  3. Do you have a black swan in Bangkok ... I think Im drinking too much if I cant even figuyre out which country you are in anymore ... LOL!!!

  4. Yes we do, it's intriguing isn't it? They do a mean fish and chips there too. No bacon & cabbage though.
