Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Citrus, Piss and Muster

In other news, I see that wifey's exhibition (were some other people involved too?) went well, and she got quite drunk. Well done wifey, wish I'd been there. There will be others.

Here on the platform life continues at its breathless and metronomic pace but I now see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, and it is very welcome. The job's not finished, and I will be back here at some time, but I do have an opportunity for a break from it. Bangladesh will be a breath of damp, cumin-laden fresh air.
I went on about my wave-ceptor watch a few posts ago, and mentioned that during this trip I will be too far from a mast to pick up a signal, so expected it to drift. I checked it after two weeks - spot on. Who needs radio masts? Very strange. Maybe it's picking up a rogue signal bounced off a cloud or summat. Maybe it's just a good watch.

No gym this trip, there isn't one on the Millennium (apart from some bits of rusty iron lying around in the rain - or is that pipework?) and I didn't fancy the ten-minute trudge through the three platforms in my gear to get to the other one. You have to put a lifejacket on to even walk up the gangway to the main platform. People do play footy on the helideck here, but it's all Thais and they probably would not take too kindly to a dirty great farang kicking lumps off them (my style of football is somewhat brutal - in fact I don't really like football, I just like violence), and anyway they play with a "ball" made of scrunched up paper wrapped in sellotape. Must have lost too many over the side. There must be hundreds of plastic footballs in this sea. I wonder if they all drift together Sargasso-style, and float along like duck-apples... Anyway I digress. No gym so I'm unfit, but since I'm going on holiday and will be doing nothing more strenuous (ahem) than lifting the odd glass, it doesn't really matter. After my cholesterol levels were meausured as high, I cut down on dairy, red meat and fat for this trip so I won't be too much of a beached whale. Not at the start of the holiday anyway. By the end of it I'll probably have stretch marks on my belly and love-hadles like, well, handles.
Some photos:

Well I resisted eating these green fruit at first, because green oranges are just plain WRONG. Delicious though - I'm hooked on them now.
There was a fire drill and we all had to stand around on deck for twenty minutes, so I resorted to taking photographs. Note bored expression. Might as well write "I'd rather be in Zanzibar" across the front of my hat.

This is what the Ocean is good for. I had to crop this picture somewhat...

More fire-drill photography.

I'll be waving goodbye to the old tub soon..

More soon - or maybe after Zanzibar. Meeting Lynny in Nairobi on thursday 4th, then we are both on the same flight to Z (how romantic is THAT?). I said we could meet in the bar, but then realised it will be 7am. Mind you, we will be on holiday so why not?
Be good - you know I will.


  1. Enough about your glamorous lifestyle! How's the book going? Did you give up already? :-O

    A x

  2. No I have not given up, in fact you've reminded me I need the next vol for my holiday. Did I mention I was going to ... oh never mind.

    I like the book. It has the potential to be a great big fat epic. I'm two thirds through it and by the end it could be love. He seems to be able to have a plethora of characters and locations across an enormous timespan, and still keep the "world" cohesive, you agree?

  3. Yes, and the characters drop in and out further on in the story so there's plenty of chance to get familiar with them and see them develop. I'm on book 3 now and the whole thing is just massive and very pleasantly unpredictable.

    Cultivate a love of Kruppe if it isn't coming naturally. He rules.

    A x

  4. Good, I had the impression there's a lot to him that isn't immediately explained - or shold I say "Russell was unaware of Kruppe's potential for interest".
    I might try to catch you up so we can compare notes, or is that too geeky?

  5. Possibly. You'd have to seek the opinion of someone a lot less geeky than me to have it confirmed - and who wants that hassle? :-)

    A x

  6. just reading this post again and saw the comment about meeting in the bar, having now been to nairobi airport - how silly is that?

    not a good place to spend time and to let you into a secret dar el salam is even worse! :-(
