Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, February 6, 2009


10 am - I was booked on the first chopper out today at 0745, but got bumped to the fourth due to payload problems so I'm here moaning about it.

This PC is in the TV room so as I type I have "Good Will Hunting" playing quite loud, overdubbed in Thai. Again I'm struck by the Thai habit, when imitating westerners, of speaking in a comically deep voice. It's asif they see us as barrel-chested father figures or something.

My chopper is at 11.45, and if I get bumped again I'll be on the slow boat. Now that would be a disappointment - I'd hoped to have a nice three-day weekend to recover my land legs and top up my tan ready for coming home next week. Never mind, after spending Sat and Sun by the pool I'll resemble a Danish flag anyway (again - see Koh Samet blog last year). Sorry wifey, you forbad the tan but in this I will defy you - can't come home from Thailand all milky.

I have some video and some photos to post when I get back to my apartment. Real broadband will be fun for a change. I also have a time-lapse sunset from the platform, how romantic.

Loads of web dev this weekend, including wifey's Uni project, details posted here, and I hope you all check out the site when it's done. Compliments only please, and give your support to the struggling artist. I note with some disappointment that nobody saw fit to comment on her lovely work in the previous blog - shame on you, you bunch of Philistines. (She'll be mortified now)

Better go. Be good, see you all soon.


  1. Yes - I almost commented on the arty stuff - but the first one was out of focus - couldn't see it properly. Naturally I thought it was a problem in the upload.....the second pic was a scary skull thing.

    4 weeks on a rig is too much I think.....

  2. Hi not been on for a while.Far too busy trying to sort house out and get things where we want them, not where we don't or even not at all. Learning quick with builders - unless you tell them a million times nothing sinks in - cannot count how many times things have been done twice - good job it was a priced job and not daily rate. Also computer is in very cold house, we spend little time in that house currently. We remain to have no heating or gas. Plumber off sick, not quite sure when he might return - hope sooner rather than later and that it is not just his excuse to do somebody elses job (which although I am probably being very cynicle I seem to think I am right). Oh but we do have water - that being very cold water.
    UK temperatures are extremely poor and unless things change drastically within a week I suggest you get prepared now, slap on fake tan and forget that sunbathing lark (yes jealous alright) and stay in the air conditioned apartment that would be a start to your acclimatisation.
    -6 is forecast for tonigh!!! I know where I'll be going!! Warmer climates thats for sure.


  3. Hi Russell and Lyn,

    Guess what ... we are moving ... back to Annacotty. I have found us a great house - its 4 beds and 2 baths and spacious. The furniture was terrible so the nice man said he would buy me 3 new beds and a new suite for the living room. The house needs painting and he is going to buy pain and do the high parts and I will do the rooms and kitchen. He will mend the broken back fence and I will do the garden ... HAPPY DAYS TRA LA LAA ... Its also 50.00 euro cheaper than the shoe box we are living in ... Yippee !!!

    Its in Salmon Weir ... round the corner from where I lived before. Im such a happy bunny now ...

    Anyhow the other news is that the Newry Marathon is in 10 weeks time. Lyn fancy a trip over to Belfast to visit Joan and I? Think about it ... we can live dangerously on the other side ... LOL

    Bye for now ...

    Oh by the way went to the dr for a checkup ... cos exercise can kill you. Anyhow she reckons Im as fit as a fiddle and that a bit of running ought to knock the stress out ... fat lot of good that was ... why dont I ever get sick notes ... WWWAaaaaaa !!!

  4. Russell ... please tell the missus I cant get into her website anymore ... How do I get in. Please send a nice man with muscles to show me ... Thanks

  5. Odette, Lyn's site is on hold while she undergoes a fundamental shift in how, what and why she paints. University has opened new and complicated horizons for her. It will return I promise.

    Lubiloo, you'll remember this winter in years to come alright, eh? Cold as a witch's tit (scuse me) and a house with three walls and no plumbing. I say again, I feel for you I really do.

    Maximus Sandymus, most amusing. I laughed despite reading your comments at the end of a long and stressful day - see new blog for details.

    Back to you, Odette - good news that you're going back to Salmon Weir, I have fond memories of that place. Irish yobs pissing noisily on the electrical box outside my bedroom window not being one of them. We were a little too close to the pub, methinks.
    What of whatsisname, the fearless conqueror of "Mount Odette"? News please.
